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Rooms, Fees & Times

Franklin Room
(25-40 guests) 4 hours
$150 Day & $200 Evening

Athenian Room
(40-90 guests) 5 hours
$200 Day & $350 Evening

Grecian Room
(90-180 guests) 5 hours
$250 Day & $400 Evening

Grand Ballroom
(180-350 guests) 5 hours
$350 Day & $650 Evening

This fee covers the use of the room for up to 5 hours and provides all the standard linens, set up, and bartender where applicable. Additional charges may apply depending on setup and staffing requirements.

Deposits & Minimums

A $300 deposit and 40 person minimum is required to confirm the Athenian Room.

A $300 deposit and 90 person minimum is required to confirm the Grecian Room.

A $600 deposit and 180 person minimum is required to confirm the
Grand Ballroom.

A $100 deposit and 25 person minimum is required to confirm the
Franklin Room.

All deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable in the event of a cancellation.

Guarantees & Minimums

Final menu selections must be submitted one month prior to the function.

The Sales office must be notified of an exact guest count 10 days prior to the function. This number will be considered a guarantee for which you will be charged even if fewer guests attend.

Payment in full is required 7 days prior to the event in the form of cash or a certified bank check.

We reserve the right to assign another room should your count fall below the contracted minimum guarantee.

Food & Beverages

State licensing restrictions require that The Manor supply all food and beverages. Termination of beverage service to any guest shall be at the discretion of the bartender on duty. “Shots” will not be served. Alcohol sales cannot exceed a 5 hour period. The sale of alcohol will end 30 minutes prior to the end of your event. Guests consuming alcoholic beverages must be of legal Mass. drinking age, and have with them a valid picture identification card.

All events requesting a bartender are subject to a $50 bartender fee. There will be one (1) bartender for every 100 guests. All bars are subject to a $250 bar sale minimum, cash bar or open bar. Open bars are subject to a 21% service fee.

Decorations & Displays


One hour prior to your event is allotted for any set up or decoration. Additional time may be purchased for $250 per hour.

All displays and decorations proposed by the client shall be subject to the Manor’s approval. Confetti, rice, smoke & fog machines are prohibited anywhere in the facility.

Candles must be enclosed in a proper container. Open flames are a fire hazard.

Liability & Security

The Manor cannot take responsibility for loss of, or damage to, articles left in the room prior to, during or following a function. This includes any merchandise or equipment brought by any customer, guest or vendor. Liability for damages to the premises shall be charged accordingly.

Any changes made to this contract without the approval of The Manor will result in the contract being null and void.